Brock's Bad Temper (And the Time Machine)

Brock's Bad Temper (And The Time Machine)

Brock's Bad Temper (And The Time Machine)
Boys Will Be Boys 2
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Brock has a bad temper; can he get it under control?

Brock has always struggled with his temper, but he never thought it would lead to time travel. His sister, Brenda, has warned him time and time again that his anger will only lead to trouble, but he never took her seriously. That is, until he found himself in a strange place, wearing his pajamas, and facing a punishment from a bygone era.

As Brock tries to come to terms with his time-traveling predicament, he begins to question whether his temper is worth all the trouble it causes. He starts to see the impact his actions have on others and realizes that maybe the modern-day consequences for his outbursts aren't so bad after all.

But just as Brock begins to make progress in controlling his temper, he is pulled back in time once again. This time, he must face the consequences of his actions in a different time period, with different rules and punishments. Will this be the wake-up call he needs to finally get his temper under control? Or will he continue to spiral out of control, risking his relationships and his own well-being?

$4.99 USD